No, Lowe’s does not fire workers for getting COVID-19

A Twitter user's claim about vaccination and sick leave policies at Lowe's Home Improvement stores in Missouri has been retweeted more than 17,000 times.

ST. LOUIS — A tweet about Missouri has garnered 17,000 retweets and almost 123,000 likes with a controversial claim about a major retailer's vaccination and sick leave policies.

It says that employees risk losing their jobs if they are unvaccinated and then catch COVID-19.


Is it true that Lowe's Home Improvement stores in Missouri are offering paid sick leave to vaccinated employees who catch COVID-19 and firing unvaccinated employees who catch COVID-19?

In later tweets, the person making the claim says this Lowe's is located in Springfield, Missouri.


Managers at two Lowe's locations in Springfield, Mo.

And Steve Salazar, spokesperson for Lowe's Companies, Inc.


This claim is false.


The Verify team spoke over the phone with managers at both Lowe's locations in Springfield, Mo. Both said the claim is untrue. They said that they had not heard of a policy like the one described in the tweet, that their existing policies have not changed, and that any such change would need to come from the corporate level.

Steve Salazar, spokesperson for Lowe's Companies, Inc., wrote in a statement, "Lowe's does not terminate employees for contracting COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, nor do we make sick pay determinations based on vaccination status."

So we can Verify: this tweet is false.

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