Ghost town: Haunting photos show nearly-abandoned St. Louis Mills Mall

Despite still being open, the St. Louis Mills Mall looks nearly abandoned, even in the middle of the day.

<p>St. Louis Mills Mall on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.</p>

Despite still technically being open, the St. Louis Outlet Mall (formerly known as St. Louis Mills) is a shell of what it once was.

Local photographer Joshua Bishop visited the mall on a Tuesday afternoon, and the photos he captured show a mall that looks all but abandoned.

There are no children playing on the playground. There are no diners enjoying Chinese food in the food court. Nobody's lined up for movie tickets. Colorful but empty storefronts are a reminder of busier times. Only a few straggling shoppers are a reminder that the mall open at all.

PHOTOS: Nearly empty St. Louis Mills Mall

The 1.2 million-square-foot shopping center, which opened in 2003 to a $250 million price tag, sold last year for $4.4 million.

Check out more of Joshua Bishop's photography on Facebook.